Saturday, August 30, 2008

Andhra Pradesh Public Service CommissionAPPSC Departmental test notification at
For Online Applications:If you are a Govt. Employee,CLICK HEREIf you are not a Govt. Employee,CLICK HEREThis page has been adopted from to the candidates appearing for Departmental Tests
Please submit the application form well in advance to avoid problems due to heavy net work traffic during last days. APPSC is not responsible for non availability of services due to heavy network traffic.
Candidate can pay total fee in a single challan. • Pre requisites:
Please pay the required fee towards application, Udyog samacharam and examination fee through Government challan only in DTO/STO office before proceeding with online application.
Every candidate has to upload the photo with signature. Scanned copy of photograph with signature is required. The size of photograph with signature should be less than 20KB with 125 dpi resolution and true color. Please affix a photograph on a paper and then sign below the photograph. Sample Photograph with signature is shown below.
In case of Divisional Test the candidates have to upload a scanned copy of service certificate in the prescribed format (click here to download the format) from the controlling officer. The scanned copy should be less than 50 kb with 125 dpi resolution.
Please read the user guide for online submission of application (click here to download guide) and then proceed further.
The candidate can view the required fee by clicking the desired papers before submitting the form for obtaining challan.
On selection of tests the candidate should ensure selection of papers otherwise the system counts the fee towards the ‘Application’ and ‘Udyoga Samacharam’ automatically.
On successful submission of application a unique Reference-Id will be generated by the system. Also the system generates a pdf file containing the data furnished by the candidate, please download the file to the hard disk and print for future reference
The Hall tickets will be published and made available on this website for seven(7) days prior to the examination date. Please download the hall ticket at an early date to avoid delay/problems in downloading due to heavy net work traffic on the last date. APPSC is not responsible for the non availability of web site due to heavy net work traffic.Subscribe for more updates

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