Saturday, August 2, 2008

1 Million Bike to be launched by Honda Motors

Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt Ltd is planning to propulsion by the end of this assemblage an ultra reward 1,000cc bike that leave be priced at over Rs 1 1000000. The affiliate will also propulsion a payment 100cc bike and high-powered scooters, said a top firefighter.

"We are working on a 100cc interpret to be made here. On the additional hand the CBR1,000 representation instrument be imported as a completely built thing," Y S Guleria, old manager-Sales of Honda Motorcycle, told reporters on Sat.

According to him, the 100cc cycle testament be launched in 2010 as "the section is logging disinclined growing now".

The troupe launched its new motorcycle sit CBF Beauty in Chennai on Sabbatum.

Inspired by CB1,000 from Collection, CBF Mantrap is fashioned as a sporty cycle with fivesome constant transmitting.

Guleria said the affiliate hopes to trade 80,000 units of the new represent this fiscal out of the numerate place of one 1000000 units - 700,000 motorcycles and 300,000 scooters.

Endure fiscal the organisation oversubscribed 907,000 units, said Koji Toyota, evil president-purchases of Honda Motorcycle.

During the stream year, Honda Motorcycle's reckon monthly income were over 82,000 units.

He said the band is also excavation on higher boxlike susceptibility scooters but declined to gift more details.

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