Saturday, August 23, 2008

An 18-year-old Delhi University student was abducted and raped

An 18-year-old Delhi University student was abducted and raped allegedly by her neighbour in Outer Delhi, police said today.

The victim, a BA first year student, was abducted by her neighbour 32-year-old Rakesh yesterday when she went outside her home in Alipur area in the district, they said.

The accused, a transporter known to victim's family, took her to a secluded house in Noida and repeatedly raped her, police said.

After committing the crime, the accused brought the victim to his driver Pawan's house in the area and locked her there, they said.

The girl somehow managed to flee the place and immediately informed the police about the incident, they said, adding later she was taken to a Jagjeevan Ram hospital where medical examination confirmed the rape.

A case was registered against the accused, who is absconding, and the investigations are on, they added.
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